eclec·top-ics | \ i-ˈklek-ˈtä-piks \
Definition of Eclectopics: A Collection of Eclectic Topics

Into the Dungeons: Arenas of Ryst
Arenas of Ryst is a multiplayer mobile game. Each match has 4 players battle across 3 unique maps for 60 seconds each. The last player standing is crowned Champion of the Arenas!

There are two types of game designers...
Those who design games, and those who *think* about designing games. I'm kidding 😂. I have no idea what the general consensus is on the types of game designers. The two types that I am familiar with, in large part thanks to @Justin_Gary's wonderful Think Like A Game Designer podcasts (check them out, they're super fun!), are story driven designers & mechanics driven designers. I fall into the story driven category. For sure.

ten. one. twenty twenty.
In the previous episode...
A prototype for a mobile multiplayer, PvP/PvE, last man standing game led to the creation of "Into the Dungeons", a world setting for stories and games. The prototype itself got shelved, I started working on a board game (still going...), a comic (that I need to finish writing) and a PC Game (which took some concepts from the mobile game, but is the one I'm now unsure about 🤷♂️).

Multithreading. How delays with Into the Dungeons led me to make another game, and what's next!
Back in '10 or '11, during a summer internship, I got the opportunity to make an iPhone application. I hadn't used Objective-C before and making a game for the iPhone seemed exciting! I started thinking of a few ideas, finally settling on a word game.

Into the Dungeons. Building Games. Building Worlds.
I'd long wanted to create a world in which to tell stories, through games (board & video), comics, music, etc. What really pushed me to get started on building the Into the Dungeons universe was Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.